Inktober 2019 - Super Punch-Out!! (and every other fighter from the series I didn't draw on Inktober 2018)

Since it was a good exercise to draw every fighter from NES Punch-Out!! during Inktober 2018, I decided to keep going and finish the series by drawing EVERY remaining fighter from the SNES, Arcade and Wii versions of the game.

Probably I'm going to do a render featuring the SNES Little Mac just like last year... someday.
Gabby Jay, Bear Hugger, Piston Hurricane, Bob Charlie
Dragon Chan, Masked Muscle, Aran Ryan, Heike Kagero
Mad Clown, Prince Narcis, Hoy Quarlow, Rick Bruiser, Nick Bruiser
Little Mac (SNES), Pizza Pasta (Arcade), Kid Quick (Arcade), Disco Kid (Wii), Donkey Kong (Wii)
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